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Here we offer some links to useful sites on the internet
Huge collection of shareware - so you can try before you buy
Software for palm, pocket PC and mobile phones
Dell Computers
Dell computers. Also have good support facilities on thier web site
Novatech do a larger selection of PC's, including some cheaper ones. Some of the cheaper machines can be a little noisy or underpowered but a good place for a bargain
Evesham have a good reliable range of computers
Internet Tools
Demon tools
Internet Query Tools.
DNS Report
For advanced users, creates a report to see if your domain is hosted correctly. If you are not an advanced user, just worry if you get any red marks on your report.
Misc Sites
get a map of any location in the UK
Google Maps
street maps and directions for the UK
Highways agency Traffic information
Shows speeds on most major route in the UK and messages on Dot Matrix boards.
National Rail
plan your rail journey and find out about delays

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